History of the Pro-Life Pro-Family Coalition
In the spring of 1985 Reverend Hiram Crawford, Sr., pastor of Israel Methodist Community Church on Chicago’s Southside, called together other pastors in the African-American community to a founding meeting of the Coalition. The statement of Purpose, formulated in June, 1985, is:
The purpose of the organization is to work for the preservation and restoration of Christian family values, in particular to work for the ideals of chastity and faithfulness in marriage, and also to work against the evils of abortion, homosexuality, pornography and the dehumanization of man in the economic life of the nation.
We will strive to educate ourselves and others on these issues so that we can be knowledgeable and effective when speaking out to the public and to our legislators.
We recognize that we cannot do any lasting good without God’s help and we pray for His blessing on this organization.
Under Reverend Crawford’s leadership, the Coalition worked with citywide, statewide, and national groups to defend life and family. In 1986-87 the main effort was a suit to stop the Chicago Board of Education from distributing contraceptives to the students at DuSable High School. The suit was not won, but the publicity activated many across the country to fight the school contraceptive clinics in their areas.
The Coalition has had an annual spring banquet beginning in 1986; adult and youth workshops were added in 1989. Various speakers have been: Dr. Mildred Jefferson, the first Black Woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School; Rev. Dr. Johnny M. Hunter, President of Life Education and Resource Network, the largest pro-life organization in the world; Dr. Alveda Celeste King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; William Barclay Allen, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights; Ambassador Alan Keyes; Rev. Glenn Plummer, CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters; Ambassador Alan Keyes; and Star Parker, political activist
Other educational and direct action activities include coordinating pastors in an annual prolife newspaper ad, picketing, literature distribution, buses to Washington and the state legislature, and cooperating with the initiatives of other pro-life and pro-family groups. After the death of Reverend Hiram Crawford Sr., his son, Dr. Hiram Crawford Jr., became the president of the organization.
P. O. BOX 19410